
Chess Grandmaster and French Team Champion 2015.

« Louis is a friend whith whom I have been training for many years. His knowledge and professionalism gave me a lot, particularly in the openings. I highly recommend him to anyone looking for a competent coach.»

Cyril Marcelin.

« Louis helped me to simplify the way I think about chess: to approach the game from the principle that piece activity is everything and that you must have an attitude of never just accepting defeat.

I really appreciated the way Louis communicated his ideas. When I needed a push, he would criticize me, and when I needed more encouragement he also knew what to say. His patience and concern for his students make it easy for me to recommend him to any adult wanting to improve their practical result or to any parent who seeks to find a patient and dedicated coach for his or her child. »

Chris Day
Nous avons fait la connaissance de Louis en Octobre 2016 lors d’un gouter d’anniversaire. Très rapidement, il nous a proposé une séance d’essai des plus adaptées : cours particulier à domicile avec une partenaire ! Quel luxe pour une maman qui travaille ! Mathéo était très enthousiaste, surtout lors du premier tournoi propose 1 mois et demi plus tard. Sa patience et son calme à gérer une vingtaine de gamins lors des tournois est impressionnante ! Louis a toujours été vigilant et attentif jusqu’à trouver une nouvelle partenaire du même niveau que Mathéo. Il sait parfaitement s’adapter au programme des enfants. C’est sûr, on continue l’année prochaine !!

« We met Louis in October 2016 at a birthday party. Very quickly, he offered us a perfect “trial session”: a private lesson with another kid, what a luxury for a working mom! Mathéo was very enthusiastic, especially in the first tournament he played one and a half month later.
Louis’s patience and calm to manage twenty kids during tournaments is impressive! He has always been vigilant, attentive and even found a new partner of the same level as Mathéo when needed. He knows how to adapt to the children’s program.

We will continue next year, that’s for sure!! »

Véronique, Mathéo’s mother.

Nous avons fait la connaissance de Louis en Octobre 2016 lors d’un gouter d’anniversaire. Très rapidement, il nous a proposé une séance d’essai des plus adaptées : cours particulier à domicile avec une partenaire ! Quel luxe pour une maman qui travaille ! Mathéo était très enthousiaste, surtout lors du premier tournoi propose 1 mois et demi plus tard. Sa patience et son calme à gérer une vingtaine de gamins lors des tournois est impressionnante ! Louis a toujours été vigilant et attentif jusqu’à trouver une nouvelle partenaire du même niveau que Mathéo. Il sait parfaitement s’adapter au programme des enfants. C’est sûr, on continue l’année prochaine !!

«We had the chance to meet Louis who is a great chess player and also a great teacher with a playful and educational approach for teaching chess to children.
Matteo is always captivated by classes, makes real progress and is always happy to participate in tournaments that Louis organizes. »

Hélène, Matteo's mother.

raphael s'amusant

« I started to play chess at the French School in Shanghai. At the end of the year, I could not continue because there was no longer this activity in the college and I therefore began the private lessons with Louis who was the chess teacher in grade 5. I like the classes with him because he is kind, patient and explains the game techniques well. »


raphael s'amusant